Advanced Dental Artistry


Why Replace a Missing Tooth?

For both functional and cosmetic reasons, a missing tooth can be an uncomfortable thing to tolerate. But not to worry, there are a variety of options available to fill the gap! Technology has changed in all aspects of dental treatment, and we now have the ability to replace missing teeth with prosthetics that look natural and are fully functional.

Treatment Options

Every dental case is different, and we will need to see you for a personalised consultation, but as a general rule you have two main options available to replace a missing tooth or teeth.



Dental Implants:
A dental implant is a prosthetic replacement, which feels and functions just like a natural tooth. Regardless if you are missing a single tooth or many teeth, dental implants can dramatically improve your mouth’s functionality.
Dental implants are made from titanium which is very strong and therefore a great alternative to natural teeth structure. The implant is anchored directly into the jaw bone and essentially becomes the root for its porcelain tooth, which is permanently secured to the implant.
The implant will restore the function of the teeth, as well as stopping jaw bone shrinkage and thus maintaining gum height and facial support.


A porcelain bridge uses the teeth either side of a space to support the replacement missing tooth. This is done by firstly preparing the two teeth either side of the gap. The prosthetic bridge is then permanently placed at the site of the missing tooth.

Key Details

How long does treatment normally take?

  • Single Dental Implant – 3 months.
  • Porcelain Bridge – 2-4 weeks.

How long does it last?

  • Implant usually lasts permanently, with the implant crown to be replaced every 10-15 years.
  • Porcelain Bridge – 10-15 years.
How do I maintain the desired outcome?
  • Wear your night guard to protect the teeth from night-time clenching and grinding. 
  • Attend regular hygiene visits (every 6 months).  
  • Avoid smoking and/or vaping.

Does it hurt?

  • The reality is many dental procedures cause discomfort of differing levels depending on the type and severity of the procedure. Our priority is to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible throughout all procedures. We also offer the option of sedation if you would prefer to sleep during treatment due to nerves or lengthy appointments.
What is the expected recovery time?
  • For porcelain bridges, you may experience a little sensitivity after your insert appointments, but should be able to go about your day as usual.  
  • For implants, you will sedate for your appointment, and will not be able to work and drive after your appointment, until the next day. We can supply a medical certificate for the time required in order to recover.
What are the key risks?
  • Porcelain bridges are durable, but they are not indestructible. There is a risk of chipping or breakage, particularly if the bridge is subjected to excessive force or pressure. This is why it is critical to wear a night guard to prevent wear and tear.
  • There are both avoidable (medical conditions, smoking and heavy grinding) and unavoidable (3-5% of cases worldwide) implant failures. Implant failures can be addressed by your dentist, but are most likely to be managed effectively when identified early, which is why ongoing hygiene and reviews are necessary. 
  • Ongoing maintenance is needed to maintain the desired treatment outcome, and patients must factor in the time and costs required in the future.

Dental Implants: Tammy’s Story

Congenitally missing teeth is a term used to describe the situation where no permanent tooth has formed. Tammy had a partial denture to replace two of her missing teeth. We placed two dental implants to replace the teeth and two porcelain veneers on the central teeth.


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