Advanced Dental Artistry

My dentures are ill fitting or need replacing

Replacing Dentures with All-on-4 Treatment

Many people believe that dentures last forever but just like natural teeth, dentures get worn out over time. Natural wear and tear combined with facial bone changes as you age may leave your dentures wobbly, loose or warped.


If you experience any of the following, and you are looking for a permanent solution, you should come in for an evaluation:

  • sore and irritated gums and soft tissues
  • problems with chewing certain foods
  • headaches, neck, or ear pain
  • loose dentures that may even fall out when you speak or laugh
  • bone loss, thinning lips, sagging mouth, a change in facial features

How long does treatment normally take?

  • All-on-4 – 3-4 weeks of planning, then a new set of teeth is inserted within 4 days.

How long does treatment last?

  • All-on-4 – With good oral hygiene you can expect your All-on-4 implants to last a lifetime, with the bridge to be replaced after 7 years.

Does it hurt?

  • Patients are often surprised by the lack of pain during All-on-4 treatment. Most of the time, patients undergoing this treatment have suffered with pain for a significant period and removing the infected, damaged teeth can be a relief. You can expect some swelling and bruising during your surgery week, but we provide plenty of advice and tools to help you through that time.

Treatment Options

Dental implants are the best solution to missing teeth and to ill-fitting dentures.


All-on-4 is the term used for the revolutionary solution of restoring a complete arch of teeth to a patient’s mouth using four dental implants. What you get is a new set of teeth that look and feel just like your own natural teeth!


How do dental implants differ from dentures?

  • Instead of sitting passively in a patient’s mouth, dental implants actively conserve the patient’s jaw bone and oral health.
  • Dental implants require less maintenance, including fewer visits to the dentist.
  • Where dentures need to be replaced every few years, dental implants are a more long-term solution.

Please note: a patient’s eligibility for All-on-4 treatment will depend on their bone structure and oral health. Please reach out if you would like to know more.

Dentures Replaced: Chona’s Story

Meet Chona, who felt embarrassed and lost her confidence after a burger dislodged her loose dentures. Chona had been struggling with uncomfortable dentures for years. However, with our expert care, she opted for lower All-On-4 and an upper denture, and the results were amazing! Watch Chona’s story:


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