Why do I keep getting dental problems?

We understand that dealing with recurring dental problems can be an exhausting and frustrating experience, but Advanced Dental Artistry are here to help you.


There are a number of factors/causes for recurring dental problems:

  • Childhood History – How children’s teeth are looked after will make a big difference to how their teeth develop and to their complete oral health. Your childhood years are your formative years in terms of creating lifelong habits and gaining an understanding of the importance of dental health. If this has been lacking since the beginning, it can be difficult to change your habits without professional help.
  • Fear of the Dentist – Not only do patients feel anxious because they expect to feel a lot of pain when visiting the dentist; it’s also very common for patients to fear a loss of control. Another reason for a fear of the dentist is the vicious cycle of feeling embarrassed of not having visited the dentist for a long time and worrying about the state of their oral health – and this then only leads to further avoidance of the dentist!
  • Genetic Dental Disease – If you’re assiduous when it comes to your oral health yet still prone to cavities or dental problems, it could be linked to your genes. Like many other aspects of our health, there is a genetic component to your teeth – from the way they look to their overall health. For example, some people have a genetic predisposition to softer tooth enamel, making it easier for the enamel to get eroded and cavities to form.
  • Medically Compromised – Certain medical conditions and their accompanying drug treatment can have a profound effect on your oral health.

Treatment Options

At Advanced Dental Artistry, we are proud to help patients who have had long-term problems with their oral health and with visiting the dentist. If you have experienced dental problems throughout your whole life, be assured that we can help you overcome this. It is important to understand how our practice differs from a general practice and how this allows us to help you overcome your recurring dental problems.
  • We are a judgement-free clinic – our team is compassionate and genuine.
  • All of our patient consultations and surgeries are completed on-site at our clinic, reducing the stress and anxiety of navigating multiple hospitals and/or clinics.
  • Our dentists are specially trained in handling anxious patients and a variety of solutions are available to reduce pain and alleviate fear in the dentist’s chair.
  • Our team prioritises communication and wants to understand your overall health and how we can best support you.

Full Mouth Reconstruction to Fix Teeth Grinding: Brendan’s Story

Brendan had been a teeth grinder for many years leading to his teeth being severely worn down. When one of his visible upper teeth broke due to grinding, he wanted to seek a more long-term solution, so we were restored both his smile and his bite with full mouth reconstruction.


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