5 Steps to Overcoming Dental Anxiety with Advanced Dental Artistry


If you’re scared of going to the dentist and have put it off for years, you’re not alone.

In fact, dental anxiety is really common and most of the patients we see suffer from it to some degree.

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Negative or traumatic experiences with a previous dentist are what generally have brought about dental anxiety in a lot of people.

Many are dissatisfied with their teeth, and avoid the dentist, while others are simply not comfortable with needles or having any work done in their mouths.

Unfortunately, putting off going to the dentist worsens one’s oral health, which can in turn lead to even greater dental anxiety, Dr Adrian Kat explains.

“So often our patients have put off going to the dentist for years and it’s only when the state of their teeth starts to affect their quality of life that they come to see us.”

“For example, when they start experiencing pain, infection, bad breath, the need for constant antibiotics or painkillers, or when it starts to severely impact their work, social and family life,” he says.

Here at Advanced Dental Artistry, we are committed to helping you overcome your dental anxiety.

So how do we help to reduce it, so you don’t have to put off getting that beautiful smile you’ve always wanted?

Communication is key

  • Here at Advanced Dental Artistry, we have a dedicated Client Coordinator whose role it is to walk you through every step of your new smile journey, making sure you feel completely at ease.
  • Tailoring your treatment to ensure you remain calm and in control is our priority, so we encourage being open and honest about any anxiety with us.
  • Clear and open communication actually gives the dentist the ability to help you move forward with the treatment you need, and also helps the dental team to know what sort of support may benefit you.
  • Verbalising any anxiety held may also be a great way to take that first step to overcoming it.

Bring a support person

  • Having someone there with you to provide support can also be of great benefit during treatment.
  • Many of our patients bring a partner, family member or friend to their consults.
  • Naturally, having a companion to pick you up after your procedure is necessary, and a big support for our patients.

Embrace our calming atmosphere

  • At Advanced Dental Artistry, we place a lot of emphasis on not seeming like a traditional dentist.
  • We aim to remove any uncomfortable triggers like smells and sounds that may heighten your anxiety.
  • In fact, many of our patients say our practice feels more like a day spa than a dentist.
  • We offer noise cancelling headphones during your treatment to allow you to relax to music of your preference, or to watch Netflix.

Minimising your anxiety is our priority.

Sedation options

  • We have a number of sedation options to aid with relaxation, which can range from minimal intervention, all the way to full IV sedation for more complex cases.
  • Knowing the availability of this option provides many patients with the comfort to proceed with treatment.

What’s your motivation?

  • A lot of our patients are motivated by the benefits their new smile will bring.
  • Whether this means being able to show off your smile, or being able to chew food properly, remembering why you are looking into treatment often puts anxiety into perspective.

With more than 25 years of experience in the industry, Dr Adrian Kat seeks to deliver the highest level of specialised care.

We want you to know that we are here for you and want to make your experience with us as comfortable as possible.

From the first consultation through to our ongoing aftercare, the team here at Advanced Dental Artistry is dedicated to the comfort of our patients, the quality of our craft and the longevity of treatment.

If you’d like to know more about dental anxiety and how we can help, please contact us and one of our client coordinators would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

We are here to help and would love to chat.

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