Do Porcelain Veneers Stain? How To Care for Porcelain Veneers


Teeth grinding can lead to significant tooth discolouration. Prolonged grinding can cause hairline cracks on the surface of the teeth, making them more prone to staining.

The good news is reversing teeth stains is possible in many cases. However, any plans to whiten your teeth should be discussed with your dentist to first determine the cause of your staining and then guide you through your options to help treat the discolouration.

One great way to improve the brightness of your smile is by getting porcelain veneers. Now you may be asking yourself ‘do porcelain veneers stain?’ As they are non-porous, Advanced Dental Artistry’s porcelain veneers are stain-resistant and are even better at repelling stains than natural teeth.

Over a longer period of time, continuous exposure to staining food and drinks may still cause some discolouration to veneers but they are incredibly resistant to this occurrence. If you properly care for your veneers, you can rest easy knowing the investment in your smile is going to look great for years to come.

High quality porcelain veneers by Advanced Dental Artistry

At Advanced Dental Artistry, creating beautiful smiles is our passion and our high quality, hand-crafted porcelain veneers are just one way we continue to achieve this. With thorough analysis of your facial features, we can craft you a smile that perfectly aligns with your natural facial features. Our team of skilled dentists use advanced materials and digital technology to create high-quality porcelain veneers that are custom made for each of our clients.

Our high quality porcelain veneers are shells made from superfine ceramic porcelain that are bonded to your teeth by one of our dentists. The high quality material creates a uniform look to your teeth as our veneers are expertly engineered to look just like natural teeth. Thanks to the natural properties of porcelain, our veneers mimic the characteristics of natural tooth enamel to avoid feeling like they look artificial or ‘too much’.

High quality porcelain veneers like ours can also strengthen and restore function to your natural teeth while they are bonded to them. Porcelain veneers can cover up chips or areas of weak enamel on your natural teeth, making the affected tooth more resistant to bacteria and decay.

Porcelain veneers can last up to 20 years when bonded and cared for correctly, which is much longer than composite veneers that only last a fraction of that time. Now you may be asking ‘do porcelain veneers stain more easily than composite veneers?’ and the answer is no—composite resin is more prone to staining than the porcelain bonding material that will not easily pick up stains from heavily pigmented foods.

Dental veneer care and hygiene

Knowing how to care for porcelain veneers is the best way to protect your new smile. Now that you know the answer to the question ‘why do teeth get stained?’, maintenance of your porcelain veneers is simple—regularly brushing your teeth and flossing as you would natural teeth is all the work you need to put in.

Switching to a soft bristle toothbrush and a gentle but effective toothpaste, will clean your gums and veneers without the risk of damaging them. Visiting your dentist regularly will remind you how to care for porcelain veneers and help you better look after your new veneers.

Porcelain veneers are built to be tough, but even still it may be a good idea to avoid chewy or hard foods in order to protect them from potential cracks or damage. You should also stop smoking, as tobacco is known to cause staining to both natural teeth and porcelain veneers.

Contact Advanced Dental Artistry for beautiful, bespoke porcelain veneers

Reach out to our friendly team of cosmetic dentistry perth professionals at Advanced Dental Artistry today to find out whether porcelain veneers are right for you. We understand that when it comes to the porcelain veneer procedures, every detail counts.

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